Feb 16, 2025
BN 0213 - Human Biochemistry (lecture) Description This course covers the substances that compose, maintain and nourish living tissues. The chemical structure, property, metabolism, function as well as the practical and clinical aspects of the following groups of biochemical compounds are studied: amino acids, proteins, enzymes, cofactors, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. The normal and abnormal metabolisms of intermediate compounds are discussed. Pathways of energy utilization are emphasized. Examples of the roles of hormones, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and metabolites in regulating and maintaining the biochemical functions of the body are presented. Instruction includes lectures, clinical—correlation studies, and homework assignments. Correlation of biochemistry to the human body structure, normal and abnormal body conditions, nutrition and diagnosis are stressed.
Course Delivery Model(s): Online Interactive
Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0 Total Hours: 45 Credits: 3
Prerequisites: None Corequisites: BN 0213L
Repeatable (# of times): 0
Grade Type: Letter
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