2022-2023 University Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2022-2023 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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AY 2000 - Ayurvedic Basic Principles II

The course is designed to impart deeper understanding of Ayurvedic fundamental principles. Students will gain in depth knowledge of DOSHA, DHATUS, MALAS, PRAKRUTHI, PANCHA MAHABOOTHAS, ATHMA, AHANKARA, BUDHI, SROTAS and GARBHA SHAREERA. Students will also understand the concept of SIRA, LASIKA, PESHI, KOSTA, ASHAYA, and KALA explained in Ayurveda. This course also describes GARBHA SHAREERA explained in in the ayurvedic medicine. Students will gain the knowledge of various chapters from Charaka Suthrasthana such as KHUDDAKACHATUSHPADAM ADHYAYAM, MAHACHATUSPADAM ADHYAYAM, TISRAISANIYAMADHYAYAM ADHYAYAM, DIRGHANJIVITIYAM ADHYAYAM, INDRIYOPAKRAMANIYAM ADHYAYAM, MAHAROGA ADHYAYAM and ASHTAUNINDITIYA ADHYAYAM.

Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 0
Total Hours: 60

Credits: 4
Prerequisites: Ayurvedic Wellness Educator Certificate
Corequisites: None
Repeatable (# of times)
Grade Type

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