Feb 16, 2025
BIO 226 - Anatomy and Physiology II (lecture) This course is the second in a two part series covering gross and microscopic structure of the human body and basic understanding of physiological mechanisms. This course introduces the principles of regulation and integration of the body including the fundamentals of nervous tissue and the nervous system covering the central/peripheral and somatic/autonomic nervous systems; the cardiovascular system including blood, heart, blood vessels and physiology of circulation; the lymphatic system including the lymphoid organs and tissues, the immune system including innate and adaptive body defenses, the respiratory system including functional anatomy and respiratory physiology, the urinary system, the principles of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance in human body, and the reproductive system including both male and female sexual reproduction anatomy and physiology. Laboratory includes work with microscopes, human body models, and cadavers.
Lecture Hours: 45 Lab Hours: 0 Total Hours: 45
Credits: 3 Prerequisites: BIO 221 recommended Corequisites: None Repeatable (# of times) 5 Grade Type Letter
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