2021-2022 University Catalog 
    Feb 05, 2025  
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PATH 501 - Pathology II

This course is the second part of a continuum of two courses devoted to the study of the underlying causes of disease and the mechanisms of the body’s reactions. Both courses focus on the structural and functional changes in diseased cells, tissues, and organs, with introductions to the etiopathogenesis, manifestations, and prognoses of various disease processes. Various pathologies are explored in a systematic fashion, beginning with an overview of genetic disorders and diseases of infancy and childhood, followed by pathologies of the reproductive, respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, and digestive systems, and an introduction to environmental and nutritional disorders. The role of the endocrine system in each of these pathologies will be discussed where appropriate. The bases for clinical tests used to evaluate the dysfunction of each system are discussed. Case histories are examined to correlate content to clinical situations, and to introduce the student to rationales for diagnosis and management. Course instruction includes lectures and small-¬¬group discussions and activities.
Course Delivery Model(s)
Lecture Hours: 60
Lab Hours: 0
Total Hours: 60

Credits: 4
Prerequisites: PH0312
Corequisites: None
Repeatable (# of times)
Grade Type

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