2021-2022 University Catalog 
    Feb 05, 2025  
2021-2022 University Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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MSMS 500 - Gross Anatomy, Embryology & Imaging

The Human Gross Anatomy, Embryology & Imaging course consists of a detailed study of the normal structure, development, and organization of the human body. This course takes a regional approach, rather than a systemic approach to Human Gross Anatomy, Embryology & Imaging and is distributed into three block contents. Gross structures are studied in the laboratory or virtual lab setting by specimen prosection and demonstration. The radiology component of Gross Anatomy serves as the introduction to radiology and prepares the student for further development. Lectures stress the contribution of developmental events to gross anatomical organization and the correlation of this organization with clinically relevant conditions. The course is delivered in the form of recorded lectures with accompanying in class-sessions using the flipped classroom model.
Course Delivery Model(s)
On-Ground, Online Interactive
Lecture Hours: 135
Lab Hours: 0
Total Hours: 135

Credits: 9
Prerequisites: None
Corequisites: None
Repeatable (# of times)
Grade Type

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