Feb 16, 2025
AY 2405 - Ayurvedic Herbology and Pharmaceutics II This is one of the two series in Ayurvedic Herbology and Pharmaceutics. During this module students will deepen their understanding of principles governing Ayurvedic Herbology and Pharmaceutics. Students will learn functions, indication and contraindications of commonly used single herbs and formulations for the management of specific pathologies.The category of herbs based on specific actions such as DEEPANA, PACHANA, ANULOMANA, GRAHI, BRIMHANA , LEKHANA, HRIDYA , BALYA, KASA HARA, SHWASA HARA, SHOOLA HARA , SHOTHA HARA , RASAYANA, ABHISHYANDHI, JWARA HARA, VARNYA, MEDHYA, AND MUTRALA will be discussed. This course advance to explore preparation of various ayurvedic herbal formulations. Course Delivery Model(s) Blended Lecture Hours: 60 Lab Hours: 0 Total Hours: 60
Credits: 4 Prerequisites: None Corequisites: None Repeatable (# of times) 0 Grade Type Letter
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